Ministries at First EC Church


A Community Rooted in Ministry Beyond Our Walls

Monthly Prayer Meeting

First Wednesday of the month will be focused on Prayer 7:00 p.m.

Monthly Care Luncheon

First Sunday of the month Congregational Care Lunch In following the morning Worship Service.

Men's Breakfast

Second Saturday of each month Men’s Breakfast at a local restaurant 9:00 a.m.

Monthly Bible Study

Third Wednesday of each month Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Men's & Women's Groups

Fourth Wednesday of the month Men’s and Women’s groups 7:00 p.m.

Weekly Prayer & Praise Service

Thursday each week Prayer and Praise at 11:00 a.m.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach are activities planned throughout the year to reach our surrounding community.

Junior Church for Kids

Junior Church meets the 1 st and 3rd Sundays for children during the Morning Worship Service.


Camp ECCO in Carrollton, Ohio, is a small Christian camp started in 1959 by Evangelical Congregational Churches located in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Learn More


Men's Golf League

Our golf league is designed to be a “fun and fellowship “ league with a healthy helping of competition. League play continues for 20 weeks. If you are interested in participating this year or being a substitute golfer, please speak with Jeff or Ron Cunningham.

View Golf Results
